日期:2021-12-03 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:
In order to attract readers as much as possible, editors will organize language to make news headlines more attractive. What are the precautions in the translation of English news headlines? Shangyu translation company takes you to know:
我們在翻譯措置中要區別于普通文章標題, 翻譯想要完美措置好新聞標題并將它美感功能和信息功能表達得淋漓盡致,必需要求譯者懂得矯捷變通, 翻譯甚至適當的將幾種翻譯技巧巧妙融合充實而活躍地去揭示的語言, 語法, 修辭等特點,并做出忠實的表達。
We should be different from ordinary article titles in translation processing. If translation wants to deal with news headlines perfectly and express its aesthetic function and information function incisively and vividly, it must require the translator to know agility and flexibility, and even skillfully integrate several translation skills, fully and actively reveal the characteristics of language, grammar, rhetoric and so on, and make faithful expression.
一般來說,翻譯英語新聞標題翻譯應該注意三個方面:充實理解并忠實源標題,悟其妙處,揚其妙處,加強可讀性和傳布性。關注并重視讀者的接管能力,精采的英語語言基本是根基要求,翻譯共重要的是我們是否可以矯捷利用各類修辭手法和斗膽且正確運用西方的歷史布景和典故,使其更具備本土的文化特點。出格值得提到的是跨文化寒暄的差異性, 既要兼顧漢語的表達習慣。
Generally speaking, the translation of English news headlines should pay attention to three aspects: enrich, understand and be faithful to the source headlines, understand their beauty, publicize their beauty, and strengthen readability and dissemination. Pay attention to and pay attention to the readers' ability to take over. Excellent English language is basically the basic requirement. The most important thing in translation is whether we can use all kinds of rhetorical devices and courage, and correctly use western historical settings and allusions to make them more local cultural characteristics. In particular, it is worth mentioning the differences of cross-cultural greetings, which should take into account the expression habits of Chinese.
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